Entries in art (73)

December at Las Manos Gallery

Don't miss "Late Night with the Artists,"  Friday, December 17th from 6-10pm. This event lines
up with Andersonville's Late Night event which brings hundreds of people
out and about to shop and linger...


New Drawings

I'm pleased to announce that Las Manos Gallery (http://www.lasmanosgallery.com) in Chicago, IL will be representing my work. I just shipped 5 new drawings to them which will be on display soon. Below are images of three of them. They are part of an ongoing series on ink on paper piece I have been working on. I'm using the transparency of the ink to give a feeling of colorful X-rays, built out of numerous layers of transparent ink.


Untitled, 2010. 19 by 26 inches. ink on paper


Untitled, 2010. 19 by 25 inches. ink and colored pencil on paper

Pictures from the Monkey Mind opening, 11/5/10 @ Artworks Studio Gallery, Norwich, CT

A whirl around the room of the main gallery space at Artworks Studio Gallery during last night's opening.


Monkey Mind: New Paintings, Artworks Studio Gallery, Norwich, CT

My current body of work aims to find new ways of depicting the body, or more accurately, being a body; one that is subject to internal and external forces, desire, pain and pleasure. Forms and colors within the pieces conflict with one another pushing and pulling highlighting this conflict.

The inspiration for this has been my study of yoga. As my studies of yoga deeper, my awareness of my body, both positive and negative has expanded.

The show runs from November 5-26, with an opening reception on Friday, November 5, 6-9pm.

I hope you can come check out my newest body of work, most of which has never been exhibited.


Hartford Art School Alumni Exhibition


Silpe Gallery, Hartford Art School
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117

Half, 2010. acrylic on panel, 8 by 8 inches